This is the page that allows you to configure additional settings.
Disable Options
Add disable option for add-to-cart and checkout button.
Admin email configuration
To receive email requests from your customers on your official email address, you need to configure your email ID & mail password by following the following steps.
Step #1
Log in to your Gmail account & ensure that 2-Step Verification is enabled. To enable it, follow this path. Click on profile image> Manage your Google Account >Security > 2-Step Verification.
Step #2
Select the app password. Write an app name RFQ Hide Price & hit the Create button. Copy & save the password. Enter that Mail Password field & save.
SMTP server - Enter the email address you have registered from.
Secure - Select if the connection is secured or not.
Port - Enter the port code for SSL or TLS (whichever is applicable)
Username/Email Address - Enter your username or email address you have chosen to register.
Password - Set the password if needed.
From Email Address - Set the email address from which you have to send the email to your customers.
Email Subject - Enter the text needed for the form submission.
From Name - Enter the name from which the emails will be sent.
After configuring these settings, you can choose to test the connection setup.
Call Configuration
Add a contact number to process RFQ requests via phone.
Design Model Box
Model color - Select the color you want to add to the model box.
Border color - Select the border color of the model box.
Font color - Select the font color of the content in the model box.
Font size - Select the size of the font of the content of the model box.
Last updated