Build RFQ Form
This is the configuration setting where you can build the RFQ form as per your requirements.
Select Language - Select the language you want to have for your form.
Title - Set the title for this form.
Description - Enter the description you want to have for your RFQ form.
Add fields - Add the fields to collect the information of your users. (You can add as many information fields as you want.)
Enable Google reCAPTCHA - Choose to enable or disable the Google reCAPTCHA. You can also generate your API key to use the Google reCAPTCHA from the link provided in the configuration form.
Privacy Text - If you want to provide any additional information to your customers like privacy policy or terms and conditions, this field helps you to do so.
Add privacy link - You can add the link to the page or document in this field to which the customers will be redirected when clicked.
Submit button - Set the text you want to display on your submit button.
Select success message types - Choose the style as to how you want to display the successful submission message for your users.
Success message (Modal) - Set the successful submission message from this field.
After configuring all these settings, you must Save the configuration settings.
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