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This section allows you to request the APK file for your mobile app, which is essential for testing purposes. To proceed, please provide the following details: your full name, email address, WhatsApp number, store URL, and Apple ID (if you are an iOS user).
Once you have entered all the required information, you can request the APK for your test app, and you can expect to receive it within 24-48 business hours.
This is the field that allows you to list your Shopify app in Google PlayStore, Apple App Store, or both.
App type - Select your eCommerce app type.
App Title - Enter the name of the app that you want to be displayed on the App Store.
Short Description - Write a short description to provide your customers with some information about your app.
Long Description - Write a detailed description for your customers to know more about your app.
Keywords - Enter the keywords that you want to set for your app.
Support Email - Enter the support email to which your customers can contact you.
Privacy Policy - Give the link to your store's privacy policy.
Support number - Enter the support contact number to which your customers can contact you.