
This is a feature that allows you to label your products according to their selling performance. You can label your products as bestsellers, limited stock, etc.

To create these labels, follow these easy-peasy steps:

  1. General

  • Status - Select the status of this feature for your customers: Active or Inactive.

  • Assign name to product label - Set a name for this label, which will be displayed on your Shopify website.

  1. Configuration

  • Design product label - Set a title of this label that you want to display on your website.

  • Product label Appearance - From this field, you can easily customize the appearance of your product label by customizing its

    • background color,

    • title color,

    • body text color,

    • the display position of the content,

    • adding margin padding from all sides,

    • setting the height and width of the product label

    • set the border radius and

    • set the font size and text style.

Last updated