Alert Messages for Collections Restrictions & Dependencies

Alert Message for Collection Restriction

You can customize the message that you want to display to your customers if they try to purchase products from irrelevant collections.

If any customer has added one product from the Fruits collection and one from the Bread collection, but as you have set the relation to restriction for those collections, then the app will display an alert message like below.

"You can buy products either from Fruits or Bread collection at a time."

Alert Message for Collection Dependency

This alert notification will be displayed to your customers if they do not buy products from the collections for which you've set the relation to dependency.

If any customer wants to buy products from the Vegetables collection, then he/she has to buy products from the Milk collection too as you've set the relation to dependency for those collections. In this scenario, the app will display an alert message like below.

"You need to buy products from both Vegetables & Milk collections. You can't purchase from only one collection."

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